Getting Started with Antworks
Download install-importer.xml and run it with "ant -f install-importer.xml".
This will download and install importer for you and place it in the recommended dir (${user.home}/.antworks/lib/).
Alternatively, you can put
the antworks-importer.jar in the $ANT_HOME/lib dir or use the recommended location
Use the typedef task to let ant know where to find the importer task.
<typedef resource="org/krysalis/antworks/importer/antlib.xml"
classpath="${user.home}/.antworks/lib/antworks-importer.jar" />
Apache Forrest is the tool used to build this website. And of course we used the forrest antlet.
<project name="sample" default="compile">
Antworks Importer
<property name="" value="antworks-site" />
<property name="project.version" value="0.1" />
<property name="project.src.dir" value="src/java" />
<!-- Pickup the ability to import Antlets -->
<typedef resource="org/krysalis/antworks/importer/antlib.xml"
classpath="${user.home}/.antworks/lib/antworks-importer.jar" />
<importer name="init-0.1" href="" />
<importer name="java-0.1" href="" />
<target name="all" depends="compile,dist" />
Look at antlets for documntation of the current antlets that are available. It is also easy to write and
publish your own.