Krysalis Antworks
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Taking Ant to the Next Level

The antworks project is a set of tools and standardized targets that greatly simplifies using ant in your projects


The driver behind antworks is Importer. Importer is an extension to the ant import task that will download and cache an ant build.xml file and it's associated resources called antlets.

This will not work until you have installed Importer


An antlet is a jar file that contains a ant build file, called xbuild.xml, that is imported and any resources needed by xbuild.xml. Here is a small example xbuild.xml.

 <project default="say" name="helloworld">
	<target name="say">
	<echo>Hello World!</echo>

There is nothing special required for an antlet except for the naming the file xbuild.xml There are some best practices that you to help along with detailed instructions on making your own antlet.

Fixme ()
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Take a look at Getting Started for a complete example on how to use antlets in your project.

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